Is It Worth Running Your Own Nameserver? Here’s What You Need to Know

Photo: Vectorjuice/Freepik

Deciding whether to run your own nameserver depends on your needs, resources, and technical expertise. For most people, the convenience and reliability of using a domain registrar’s DNS management services outweigh the benefits of running their own nameserver. The cost, technical knowledge required, and ongoing maintenance are significant considerations that can make this task daunting.

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Domain Ownership: A Step-by-Step Guide for First-Time Buyers

Photo: vectorjuice/Freepik

Your internet domain is more than just an address; it’s your digital identity. It serves as a powerful branding tool, providing a gateway for customers and visitors to access your online presence effortlessly. Whether you’re starting an online business or aiming to boost your visibility on the web, securing your own .com or other internet domain is a critical strategic move.

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